Emily windsnap and the monster from the deep /
Kessler, Liz
Emily windsnap and the monster from the deep / Liz Kessler; illustrated by Sarah Gibb - 1st ed. - Cambridege, Mass: Candlewick Press, c2007. - [235]p.
Mermaids - Fiction
Monsters - Fiction
Bullies - Fiction
Neptune (Roman deity) - Fiction
Fic. K426 2007
Emily windsnap and the monster from the deep / Liz Kessler; illustrated by Sarah Gibb - 1st ed. - Cambridege, Mass: Candlewick Press, c2007. - [235]p.
Mermaids - Fiction
Monsters - Fiction
Bullies - Fiction
Neptune (Roman deity) - Fiction
Fic. K426 2007