Essentials of physical science: worktext /
Malenab, Ryan
Essentials of physical science: worktext / Ryan G. Malenab, Gerry C. Catchillar, Pablito S. Vibal, Felipe B. Martinez - 1st ed. - Manila: Rex Book Store, c2006 - xiv, 338p.: ill.
Includes bibliographical references and index
Physical science
Fil. 500.2 Es78 2006
Essentials of physical science: worktext / Ryan G. Malenab, Gerry C. Catchillar, Pablito S. Vibal, Felipe B. Martinez - 1st ed. - Manila: Rex Book Store, c2006 - xiv, 338p.: ill.
Includes bibliographical references and index
Physical science
Fil. 500.2 Es78 2006